Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Extra, Extra

Good news. this & that volume 2 is on the way! And wait. It gets even better. A this & that Christmas ep! I'm not even kidding!

Eric and I feel really blessed because Mitch Dane (Jars of Clay, JJ Heller, The Kicks, Farewell Flight) has agreed to record volume 2 and we are going into the studio to record next week!!! Get excited. We are!

The Christmas ep is also a total blessing. A friend of mine, Rick Foster, has been generous enough to offer us his time and effort to make that happen. We are working through the music now, just trying to pick the best songs to fit our style. I really want to make them our own. And we are going to hopefully have an original song on there as well :)

For anyone who knows me (and this is Lindsey speaking), I am obsessed with Christmas. It is never too early to get into the Christmas spirit. It's not even Halloween and I already went to an Amy Grant Christmas concert. It was lovely.

Anyway, if you have any last minute ideas for our Christmas ep, we'd love to hear them.

I think some great things are on the horizon for us, so keep your fingers crossed!!


PS. If you haven't already downloaded this & that volume 1 for free...do it NOW!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

We Are This & That

It all started when Eric Vinson and Lindsey Jones got together to write their first song. The process was seamless. So they decided to do it again. Then they wrote again. And again. And one day they realized that maybe, collectively, they had created something special. So they started "this & that." And they released a 3 song ep: "this & that: volume 1." And they gave it away for free. Some call it "dreamy/acoustic/indie/pop," and others just call it "good."

The end.